Tristan Claus

Tristan Claus holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture (KULeuven, 2016) and a Master’s degree in Urban Design and Spatial Planning (KULeuven, 2018), with a master dissertation on the impact of constituency service – an informal approach of politicians to help individual citizens – on local planning policy in Flanders (mayor planning). In addition, Tristan completed a summerschool in Riga (Riga Technical University) and an erasmus in Lisbon (ULisboa). He worked as a researcher on a study on the demolition of vacant farm buildings (Boer Ruimt Veld, 2019-2021) and started a PhD research on the impact of constituency service on planning policy and urban sprawl in 2021. It happens regularly that the Flemish government approves legislation that undermines its own ambitious strategic planning policy vision. Through constituency service building project needs of individual land owners seem to scale up to generic changes in the Flemish planning legislation. Tristan’s research aims to expose that underlying process through in-depth interviews with decisive actors, starting from recent disruptive changes in planning legislation. A comparison with North Brabant (NL) and Hauts-de-France (FR) will finally determine if constituency service and its spatial impact is unique for Flanders.


  • Interest group politics
  • Planning instruments and legislation
  • Urban and regional planning policy